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  • Skillset Directions By Gina Spoo and Ashley Acosta-Meyers — CLR Practitioners

Skillset Directions By Gina Spoo and Ashley Acosta-Meyers — CLR Practitioners

That’s a wrap! This final month of CLR Skillset sharing we will focus on reflection and gearing up for a new school year. Reflect on all of your VABBing work this year.  Use these guiding Mindset & Skillset questions below. What will you change in your practices next year to be even more culturally responsive?

CLR Mindset Reflection:

  • In what ways have you connected with your students to make them feel validated and affirmed?
  • How are you doing at recognizing your student’s cultural behaviors?  How are you doing at recognizing which students need to be VA’d the most in your classroom?
  • What progress have you made at recognizing your “first thought” when you see a behavior/cultural behavior in the moment and making a shift with the way you respond? (Reactive VABB)
  • How have you provided a culturally responsive environment for your students that makes everyone feel welcomed, safe and valued?
  • In what ways has CLR helped your students with situational appropriateness and culture-switching?  In what ways are you allowing students to BE who they are and become globally dexterous?
  • What can you tell a colleague that is hesitant about getting in the CLR pool?

CLR Skillset Reflection:

  • How are you ‘teaching differently’ with CLR.
  • Use the CLR Activities At A Glance document to check off which protocols were operational in your classroom this year.  Print off a new copy to start the next school year.
  • How have you moved past just ‘using protocols” to  intentionally using protocols to  VABB specific cultural behaviors in your instruction?
  • What would your students say they have appreciated or liked about how you are teaching differently?
  • In what ways have your students been more engaged in your classroom?
  • What differences have you seen in your relationships, rapport and engagement with the students who need VABB and outrageous love the most. 

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