Professional Learning

There is little more important to a child’s education than their teacher, so the work of becoming a culturally and linguistically responsive teacher is sacred.

Learn. Practice. Integrate.

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Foundation Phase: Learn

12 hours of professional learning, with a minimum of 9 hours required to proceed to the Implementation Phase.

Foundation Phase Options

Option A

  • Day One: Focus on Culture Full Day (6 hours)
  • Day Two: One Instructional Area Workshop (3 hours) AND Jumpstart Workshop (3 hours)

Option B

  • Day One: Focus on Culture Lite (3 hours) AND One Instructional Area Workshop (3 hours)
  • Day Two : Jumpstart Workshop (3 hours)

Option C

  • Day One : Focus on Culture Lite (3 hours) AND One Instructional Area Workshop (3 hours)
  • Day Two: One Instructional Area Workshop (3 hours) AND Jumpstart Workshop (3 hours)

Focus on Culture (6 hours) or Focus on Culture Lite (3 hours)

Available In person or Online 🖳

  • Defines concretely what is cultural responsiveness and why it is necessary in our schools today.
  • Builds knowledge and creates the context for addressing the needs of underserved students in terms of their sociopolitical and sociolinguistic relativity in the American educational system.
  • Promotes the focus on effective instructional strategies utilization in a way that validates and affirms underserved students across content areas and grade levels.

CLR Instructional Areas Workshops Choices (3 hours each)

Choose one or more from the list below

  • CLR Classroom Management Workshop 🖳
  • CLR Academic Vocabulary Workshop🖳
  • CLR Academic Literacy Workshop🖳
  • CLR Academic Language Workshop🖳
  • CLR Jumpstart Workshop*

Developing Classroom Models with Instructional Support and Development (ISD)

What is ISD?

ISD stands for Instructional Support and Development. ISD provides direct school site support from assigned CLR practitioners who have the experience of successfully implementing CLR. The practitioners work with 7-10 CLR Cadre Members at your school site over 3 site visits, called ISD Sessions. A cadre member must have attended all workshops in the foundational phase.

Why ISD?

The short term goal is progress in CLR Infusion into daily school and classroom practices. The long term goal is schoolwide CLR Sustainability that cultivates CLR collaboration and community. What we are really looking for is CLR implementation of what cadre members learned throughout the foundation phase and what they have been able to infuse into their practice.

What is the ISD Process?

ISD begins with a 20-minute virtual ISD pre-brief meeting with Dr. Hollie and the site leader(s) and/or a designee. Based on dates selected by the school or district, there will be 3 ISD sessions and 5 Binder Study or Cultural Behavioral Tutorial (CBT) Sessions led by a Binder Study/Cultural Behavioral Facilitator. They will occur before and in-between the 3 ISD sessions. Important note: Cadre members will be required to attend a virtual ‘get acquainted’ meeting before ISD 1 and submit lesson previews for each visit.

Who is my ISD Team?

  • School Leader or Designee: Supports and monitors the ISD process and has a strong knowledge of the school’s underserved. 
  • Lead Communicator: Is the voice of the CLR team, and maintains communication with the ISD Coordinator
  • Binder Study Facilitator: Attends Study Prep Session and has capacity to lead adult learning
  • Cadre Members (7-10 total): Minimum of 7 Classroom Teachers plus Non-Classroom Educators

Developing Pathways to Sustain and to Integrate CLR Long-Term. Make CLR part of your permanent culture.


  • CLR Leaders Workshop – How Culturally and Linguistically Responsive is Your Leadership? (Building and Central Office Leaders)
  • CLR Leaders Mentoring Experience – One on One Direct Support for Leading CLR.
  • Board Members Lunch/Dinner – Provide Awareness and Knowledge about CLR

Instruction Support

Supporting Teachers in Becoming CLR Workshop – How Can Instructional Coaches Support CLR?
CLR for Teachers Leading Teachers Training – The Best Teachers of CLR are CLR Teachers

Other Initiatives Support

  • CLR and SEL
  • CLR and MTSS/RTI
    CLR and Content Specific Areas – Math, Science, History, PE. and others
  • CLR and Document/Policy Review/Revising

Classified Support

  • CLR for Classified Workshop – Common Purpose, Common Language, and Common Practice
  • CLR for Classified Support – One on One Direct Support for Classified Positions

Community Support

CLR and Parents/Community Workshop

CLR Professional Learning Bundles

Are you ready to dive into the deep end of the CLR pool or do you need to start in the shallow end? Do you have a vision for long-term, multi-phased implementation? Or do you want to take one phase at a time? Check out our CLR professional learning bundles.

Each bundle includes components from the three CLR professional learning phases: 

Splash Pool

Foundation Phase OR Foundation Phase LITE

Learn More
Lap Pool

Foundation Phase Plus
Implementation Phase

Learn More
Dive Pool

Foundation Phase AND Implementation Phase PLUS Sustainability Phase

(All or Choose as Needed)

Learn More